Top of the kitchen system

Chopping vegetables and sliding them into the removable bowl.

Chopping vegetables and putting them on the small cutting board.
Chopping vegetables and putting them on the small cutting board.

This is the removable shopping bag. It is removable so that it can easily be washed.

Integrated waste container. All the discarded food scraps from chopping can be put into the waste bin and added to compost container.

Waste management container separates from the system to be washed.

Planters are hung on the kitchen system. You can also store kitchen tools like wooden spoons in the container.

The trays that create the shelves can be removed and carried away.

Detail of the removable bowl and cutting board.


KITCHEN 1: chopping was done on the kitchen table. There is not enough counter space in the kitchen.

KITCHEN 2: A knife is used to push vegetables into a bowl from a cutting surface.

Kitchen 3: An extra cutting board is used to transfer vegetables to the stove.

KITCHEN 1: Organic waste from cooking one meal. This helps determine the approximate size of an organic waste container.

KITCHEN 2: This kitchen had no way of managing organic waste and the waste was put in with the regular garbage.

KITCHEN 3: This kitchen used a large garbage can for their organic waste. This container is too large for organic waste and began to smell bad and attract flies.

KITCHEN 1: In this small kitchen there is not enough storage space. The user uses a small cart to store and display food.

KITCHEN 2: In this kitchen a small cart is also used for additional storage and display. The wire framed shelves are difficult to clean.

KITCHEN 3: The small compartments on this cart make display difficult. A bowl is used to store vegtables.

KITCHEN 1: Once groceries were unpacked there was no space to begin to prepare food. Counter top space was used for appliances and washing dishes.

KITCHEN 2: Counter top space is used for appliances and tool storage.

KITCHEN 3: There is no available counter space for food preparation. Counter space is used for appliances and tool storage.